Thursday, March 13, 2008

Begin the beguine - and the begin

So many projects, so little time. It seems that no matter how busy I am, I can't help but take on new projects. Projects that I have no time for. Hence this blog. The ultimate project. A project to log and track and (hopefully) organize my projects. Somewhere for me to list all of my ongoing projects to try to motivate me to finish some of them. Somewhere to list all my ideas for projects, perhaps so that someone with more time on their hands can tackle them (live vicariously through the projects of others, that's what I always say!). So here we go. The project that will be the home of all my projects.

What am I working on now? That is a good place to start...
  • knitting a pair of baby undies from a Debbie Bliss book (my love/hate relationship with Debbie Bliss will be saved for another day)
  • knitting Creeper sweater (by Emily Blunt) from Rowan mag 332
  • making a roman shade (my first drapery project) for little man's room
  • making cloth diapers (three pockets cut out and a tote full of fabric for more dipes)
  • finishing the table cloth
  • working on the 2-1 nap transition, teaching signs (and hopefully words), and doing potty awareness with little man
  • organizing the house
  • house hunting
I have a feeling there are many more projects on the go but these are the most obvious to me right now. Since I have a moment, I'm going to knit. Plus I'm hungry.

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